Food can hurt us or help heal us.
We support through a comprehensive approach using both customized diet and supplementation programs. Dr. Schueler analyzes blood work using functional medicine. This helps discover hidden nutritional deficiencies, patterns of organ stress, early indications of vascular inflammation and overlooked thyroid inefficiencies. The labs also occasionally reveal acute situations which may indicate a need for referral to an MD for collaboration on a case.
Dr. Mark originally earned a degree in nutrition along with his Chiropractic degree and trained under Dr. Mark Percival, a Canadian Chiropractor/Naturopath. He continued his education studying Biochemistry with Dr. Jeffrey Bland PhD, autonomic response testing with Dr. Brimhall DC, Dr. Dietrich Klinghardt MD, Dr. Ulan DC and Dr. Marshall PhD, and more recently has added QNRT to address emotional shocks contributing to endocrine disruption. Dr. Schueler has also taken extensive courses in mastering blood lab analysis.
His ‘go-to’ technique, however, has always been Neurolink (Neurological Integration System). In Dr. Schueler’s experience, Neurolink has proven to be very accurate in determining the cause of patients’ symptoms and correlates well with objective findings such as blood work. He is one of 60 US practitioners in the USA who are at the Master’s level, which keeps him abreast of Dr. Phillips’s (DO) latest research.
Dr. Schueler has over twenty years of experience using a combination of analysis techniques to address the cause of his clients’ ill health. As he often says: “People are complicated. I’m just the plumber…once we find a cause and support it intelligently, YOU are a walking miracle!”
Our functional medicine facility is dedicated to helping individuals and families maintain optimal health. We focus on complete wellness through functional medicine in addition to chiropractic care, massage therapy, and fitness. Our mission is to guide you to a path of physical, mental and emotional health through natural means, bringing harmony, balance and vitality back into your life.
“I have had a hard time sleeping because of my hands falling asleep so badly I could not move them. After taking the supplements for a couple of days, I am sleeping 5-6 hours with almost no tingling. Yay! So happy with this.