optimize brain function
Neurofeedback, also referred to as neurotherapy, is a method used to train brain activity in order to optimize brain function. It uses real time displays of electroencephalography (EEG) to illustrate brain activity. Neurofeedback may be complemented by Quantum Neuro Reset Therapy (QNRT), developed by Dr. John M. Turner. When Neurofeedback and QNRT are combined, enhanced results are reported.
How do you train the brain?
Once the EEG is analyzed to identify the dysregulation in the brain waves, sensors are placed on the scalp over the area to be trained. Brainwaves are instantly analyzed and converted into animated video displays. The computer extracts specific information about brainwave frequencies. Some frequencies need to be increased while others may need to be suppressed to obtain optimal functioning.
The computer is programmed to reward the brain for increasing or suppressing specific brain wave frequencies in targeted areas. This is done with either visual graphics or music rewards. When the desired brainwaves are functioning at optimal levels, the video advances and he music plays. When undesirable or less than optimal brain activity is dominant the video will not advance and the music will not play; thus the video and music are fully controlled by the person’s brain activity. Eventually the brain is trained to perform dominantly in a more optimal state.
How does it work?
Sensors are placed on targeted areas of the scalp using conductive paste. The procedure is painless and non-invasive. The sensors are connected to the computer which measures and records brain wave frequencies and specific activity in various sections of the brain.
Specific Brain Wave Functions:
Alpha: Alpha waves are associated with conscious relaxation, imagination, visualization and memory. A healthy alpha is essential for learning. Too little alpha inhibits the ability to sleep and quiet the brain. Excessive alpha in the wrong areas of the brain are associated with attention deficits, defiance and sad mood states.
Theta: Theta is associated with visual imagery, creative inspiration, insight and intuitive knowledge. Excessive theta may be associated with poor memory, inability to focus and concentrate, emotional volatility and seizure disorders. Too little theta is associated with the inability to sleep, rest and quiet the brain, nervousness and lack of wellbeing.
Beta: Beta waves are associated with being alert and focused, responsible for computing, arranging, organizing data and problem solving. Beta increases in times of stress or anxiety. Excessive beta is associated with poor stress tolerance, addictive behaviors and inability to sleep. Too little beta is associated with lack of energy, sadness, lack of concentration and attentiveness.
Gamma: Gamma is associated with the formation of ideas, language, memory processing and learning. Excessive gamma is associated with worrying, anxiousness, stubborn and compulsive behaviors. Researchers believe that increasing gamma levels may be helpful for Alzheimer’s and Autism.
Delta: Delta is deep dreamless sleep. This is where physical rejuvenation and healing occurs. Excessive delta is associated with pain, chronic infection and illness.
Sensory Motor Rhythm (SMR)
SMR is lower spectrum beta frequencies that occur most often when the body is inactive and helps to reduce the urge to move or fidgt. SMR enhancement can be helpful in overcoming restless leg syndrome. High SMR levels are found in athletes and very healthy people. Research has shown that ADD & ADHD may be helped by increasing these brainwaves. Increasing SMR wave benefits include improved concentration, reading speed and energy levels, as well as offering help for sleeplessness, sadness, excessive worry and stress.
Benefits of Neurofeedback
Cognitive enhancement
Sports/artistic performance enhancement
Stress reduction
Academic performance enhancement
Addictive behavior support
Improved sleep and ability to reset
Fatigue improvement